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【 SOL 7月4日 夏日炎炎酸啤導賞系列(1)】 by Kenneth Ho



日期:7 月 4 日(星期四)
時間:19:00 – 21:00
導師:Kenneth Ho
地點:SOL Mate Club (長沙灣保安道美寧中心C座地下C1 & C3 號舖)
活動包括:6 款啤酒品嘗(約100ml/款)

SOL Bubble Club 將於 7 月 4 日舉辦 夏日炎炎酸啤導賞系列(1),帶同以下 6 款限定,木桶熟成美國同埋比利時限量嘅酸啤酒:

1) Trillium Fated Farmer Black Currant (American Wild Ale) – 6.5%


2) Trillium Fated Farmer Asian Pear (American Wild Ale) – 6.9%

來自 Lookout Farm 提供的新鮮亞洲梨賦予清脆、輕盈的酒體,多汁的桃子、蘋果和梨香引領著一個酸爽、清脆的口感,充滿了梨的味道及淡淡的持久的甜味。

3) The Ale Apothecary Field Spirits (American Wild Ale) – 9.6%

採用烘烤麥芽和黑麥釀製,並在 Pinot Noir 葡萄酒桶中成熟。散發出美麗芳香、木質、櫻桃、西梅,每一口都能感受到黑麥麵包和野花蜂蜜的香氣,而微妙的農舍風味和柔和的花香則潛藏在其中。

4) The Ale Apothecary El Cuatro (American Wild Ale) – 10%

採用開放式發酵並在新鮮的 Pinot Noir 紅酒桶中進行陳熟,最後在白蘭地桶中完成,並使用野花蜂蜜自然碳酸化,味道複雜耐喝。

5) Crooked Stave Stay the Funk in (American Wild Ale) – 6.3%

採用了比利時 Lambic 啤酒相近的「傳統方法」(Méthode Traditionnelle)釀製這款經典調配,超過兩年時間完成。釀酒師讓啤酒在橡木桶中發酵,然後將其轉移到瓶中進行第二次發酵和熟成。帶有微妙的酸橘、葡萄柚和洋甘菊味道,底下則有更為濃烈的明亮、泥土味的香氣。

6) 3 Fonteinen – Hommage 2018 | 2019 Blend #106 (Lambic – Framboise) – 5.3%

Hommage 是一款酒體豐滿的覆盆子 Lambic 酸啤酒,帶有濃郁的深紅色森林水果花束香氣,將手工挑選的整顆酸櫻桃和覆盆子浸泡在年輕的 Lambic 啤酒中,隨後再與更多 Lambic 啤酒混合,以達到至少 35% 的水果強度。

4 Jul (Thu)
4 Jul (Thu)
7PM - 9PM
7PM - 9PM
SKU: N/A Category:

【 SOL Summer Sour Beer Tasting(1)-  Julyl 4 】

In the heat of summer, there’s nothing better than enjoying a fruit-flavored Barrel Aged Sour Beer!

SOL Bubble Club will host the “Summer Sour Beer Tasting Series (1)” on July 4th, featuring six exclusive, barrel-aged sour beers from the United States and Belgium:

1) Trillium Fated Farmer Black Currant (American Wild Ale) – 6.5%

Black Currant pours a deep plum color and wastes no time in presenting it’s complex, vinous bouquet of aromas. Notes of bold, structured red wine, blackberry preserves, and red grape are the highlights, with underlying earthiness in the background. Dry and slightly tannic, Fated Farmer: Black Currant finishes with vibrant, mouthwatering acidity. 

2) Trillium Fated Farmer Asian Pear (American Wild Ale) – 6.9%

Fresh asian pears sourced from Lookout Farm in nearby Natick, Massachusetts lend this rendition of Fated Farmer a crisp, light body and slightly hazy, straw colored appearance. A juicy nose of peach, apple, and a woody pear scent lead way to a tart, crisp palate bursting with pear and a light lingering sweetness. Fated Farmer Asian Pear is tangy, crisp, and delicious. 

3) The Ale Apothecary Field Spirits (American Wild Ale) – 9.6%

The carefully selected adjuncts remain subtle in this tart brew, allowing the malts to shine! Notes of rye bread and wildflower honey permeate every sip, while subtle funk and soft florals hover just beneath the surface. The delicate fruit flavors in this tangy Ale seem to accentuate vinous notes from the barrels, creating a finish similar to a delicate red wine.

4) The Ale Apothecary El Cuatro (American Wild Ale) – 10%

Every sip of El Cuatro encompases the terroir of the Oregon Cascades. Wild, funky notes from native yeast cultures add complexity and a tart, tangy body, while barrel aging creates nuances of cherry, plum, and date. Vinous, jammy notes linger on the finish, recalling a glass of Pinot Noir.

5) Crooked Stave Stay the Funk in (American Wild Ale) – 6.3%

This classic concoction in the “Méthode Traditionnelle,” a time-intensive technique from Belgium that took over two years to achieve. The brewers aged the spontaneously fermented beer in oak barrels and then transferred it to bottles for a second fermentation and conditioning. The end result contains subtle touches of tart nectarine, grapefruit, and chamomile, with more heavy-handed notes of bright, earthy funk rippling underneath. Oaky spice with a faint whisper of vanilla rounds out the finish in exquisite fashion. 

6) 3 Fonteinen – Hommage 2018 | 2019 Blend #106 (Lambic – Framboise) – 5.3%

Hommage is the result of macerating hand-picked whole sour cherries and raspberries on young lambic, in a proportion of 760 grams of raspberries and 240 grams of sour cherries per litre of lambic. This fruit lambic is then blended again with more lambic to obtain a minimum in-tensity of 35% fruit. Hommage is a bodied raspberry lambic beer, with an intense deep red forest fruit bouquet. 


Activity details:
Date:4th Jul, 2024(Thursday)
Time:19:00 – 21:00
Venue:SOL Mate Club
Beers:6 different Sour Beer(around 100ml each)