【太陽系氣泡會】Hoppin’ Frog


網站下單>以Payme 或 FPS 付款>SOL 專人留貨

*如SOL Bubbles Club 會員 Account 內有Credits,可在下單Remarks時註明,下單後不用額外付款,SOL 會在登記電話號碼內扣帳。


1) 門店自取: SOL Bubbles Club
地址:長沙灣保安道美寧中心C座地下C1 & C3

2) HK$40 順豐上門配送 (不限數量,買幾多都係HK$40)

>SOL Membership 會員專享 (Top up $500, get extra $50)
於 SOL  每增值HK$500,即多送$50 (即HK$550 Credits)

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

168) Frogichlaus Swiss-Style Celebration Lager
168) Frogichlaus Swiss-Style Celebration Lager
169) Qutta Kilter Wee Heavy Scotch Style Red Ale
169) Qutta Kilter Wee Heavy Scotch Style Red Ale
170) The Frogtender's Secret Libation Old Fashioned Cocktail Inspired Ale
170) The Frogtender's Secret Libation Old Fashioned Cocktail Inspired Ale
SKU: N/A Category:

168) Frogichlaus Swiss-Style Celebration Lager (2022) (Barrel Aged Winter Lager) – 14.1%
屢獲 GABF 和多項世界啤酒獎項的 Frogichlaus 瑞士冬季波本桶陳熟 Lager 風格,帶有濃郁的焦糖香氣和層次豐富的烤麥芽風味。

169) Qutta Kilter Wee Heavy Scotch Style Red Ale (Scotch Ale) – 8.2%

170) The Frogtender’s Secret Libation Old Fashioned Cocktail Inspired Ale (Imperial Brown Ale) – 12%
仿佛是一款 Old Fashioned 雞尾酒,帶有微妙的橙子及波本威士忌的香氣。