Coffee Catering Services & SOL Professional Barista Team

On-Site Barista:
Our professional barista will prepare and serve a variety of beverages to guests directly at the event location in a professional manner.

Coffee Beans:
We will provide our House Blend Coffee, a blend of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe and Brazil or Colombia.

Coffee Brew equipments:
We offer different equipments to fit the occasion, depending on the client and their specific needs.

We also provide services:
include coffee training, consultation, coffee beans supply and the creation of signature or customised drinks.

Reference Links:

>【咖啡事就問咖啡師 – SOL Committee 的首席咖啡師 – SELECT@將軍澳及尖沙咀站】

> De’Longhi體驗店進駐尖沙咀Sogo 一家大細「智嘆」完美意式咖啡

> De’Longhi 體驗 自製蝶豆花凍 Latte
