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【太陽系氣泡會】Imprint Beer Co.


網站下單>以Payme 或 FPS 付款>SOL 專人留貨

*如SOL Bubbles Club 會員 Account 內有Credits,可在下單Remarks時註明,下單後不用額外付款,SOL 會在登記電話號碼內扣帳。


1) 門店自取: SOL Bubbles Club
地址:長沙灣保安道美寧中心C座地下C1 & C3

2) HK$40 順豐上門配送 (不限數量,買幾多都係HK$40)

>SOL Membership 會員專享 (Top up $500, get extra $50)
於 SOL  每增值HK$500,即多送$50 (即HK$550 Credits)

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

153) Schmoojee Puffsicle 7 Sins
153) Schmoojee Puffsicle 7 Sins
154) Schmoojee Shcoops Mango Mandarin with Pineapple Ice Cream
154) Schmoojee Shcoops Mango Mandarin with Pineapple Ice Cream
155) Blood of the Schmooj
155) Blood of the Schmooj
SKU: N/A Category:

Imprint Beer Co. @imprintbeer

153) Schmoojee Puffsicle 7 Sins  (Fruited Sour) – 6.5%
這款令人陶醉的 Schmoojee 酸啤酒以草莓、藍莓、黑莓、香蕉、椰子、棉花糖和雪糕釀製而成。

154) Schmoojee Shcoops Mango Mandarin with Pineapple Ice Cream  (Fruited Sour) – 6.5%
由美國酒廠 Imprint 釀造,加添了芒果、橘子和菠蘿的水果冰沙酸啤酒。

155) Blood of the Schmooj   (Fruited Sour) – 6.5%
由美國酒廠 Imprint 釀造,加添了覆盆子、黑莓、櫻桃、黑加侖子和雲尼拿的水果冰沙酸啤酒。